Announcing that pingcap/ticdc will rename to pingcap/tiflow

Since the DM code base has been merged into pingcap/ticdc repo in ticdc/pr/3122, the name of ticdc is not suitable for this repo, which maintains both TiCDC and DM, and it will add more dataflow related products in the future. We are planning to use a more accurate repo name to make it self-explanatory.

At now we have decided to rename the repo to pingcap/tiflow, and we will follow the TODO list in to make the migration smoothly. The expected migration date will be 2021/12/11 or 2021/12/12.


Updated: since the delay release of v4.0.16, we delay the rename operation to 2021/12/18 or 2021/12/19.

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  1. Repo name has been changed to pingcap/tiflow in 2021/12/17
  2. The import path in master branches and release branches have been changed.
  3. CI has been adjusted.

More progresses can be found in github issue