Paper reading for KVSSD: Close integration of LSM trees and flash translation layer for write-efficient KV store

Hello everyone, I’m xuanwo!

I will host a paper reading about KVSSD: Close integration of LSM trees and flash translation layer for write-efficient KV store. We will discuss the following topics:

  • Write amplification inside the LSM tree
  • How to solve or alleviate the write amplification from the SSD side?
  • What’s the future of storage devices?
  • NVMe 2.0 and so on

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Here is detailed information:

  • What: KVSSD: Close integration of LSM trees and flash translation layer for write-efficient KV store
  • When: 2021-08-31T11:00:00Z2021-08-31T12:00:00Z
  • How: Scan the following QR code to join.
    • image

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