
Topic Replies Activity
About the general category 1 June 2, 2021
Announcement: Upgrading TiFlash repo from C++20 to C++23 1 June 14, 2024
Proposal: Strengthen configuration change approval for `tikv/tikv` and `tikv/pd` repositories 2 May 21, 2024
[Announcement] introduce and deploy reviewing and approving mechanism for `pingcap/kvproto` repo 2 April 10, 2024
Announcement: Strengthen configuration change approval for `pingcap/tiflow` repository 1 April 10, 2024
Announcing upgrade to Go 1.22 1 March 8, 2024
Proposal: modify the branch protection rule for TiKV repository 2 March 1, 2024
Announcing upgrade to Go 1.21 1 August 10, 2023
What's the currently bazel version used by tidb server? 2 August 28, 2023
Does RawKV guarantee read-your-writes 2 July 4, 2023
Minitrace-rust in TiKV 6 March 12, 2023
Announcing upgrade to Go 1.20 1 February 9, 2023
Plan to release TiDB v6.1.3 based on Go 1.19 1 November 22, 2022
Announcement about Cleaning the Cherry-pick PRs 3 October 12, 2022
Announcing upgrade to Go 1.19 1 August 29, 2022
When tidb pushes down an insert request, the node where the region is located crashes during processing. What is the subsequent processing flow of the upper-layer tidb? 1 August 14, 2022
Tpstorage 请教一个rust语法问题 1 June 24, 2022
Microsoft's SQL Server Dialect 2 March 22, 2022
Announcing upgrade to Go 1.18 3 March 17, 2022
Proposal: add issue number to PR title 62 November 29, 2021
Proposal: require review rules for telemetry 1 November 24, 2021
Announcing the development cycle of v5.3 kicked off 3 November 23, 2021
Proposal: Use "gh pr checkout" to replace 4 November 17, 2021
Question:How to keep the commit history when merge PR into Repo? 2 October 19, 2021
Proposal: make parser support all the charsets 1 October 15, 2021
Discuss: Public Design 13 September 27, 2021
Discuss: how to develop new feature in separated branch 5 September 25, 2021
Guide: how to replace circle ci with verify ci 8 September 24, 2021
Git bisect, the best skill I learned working with TiDB 2 September 23, 2021
Proposal: require review rules for config files 16 September 17, 2021